10 Unusual Things About Me #L&SR #Wednesday Blog Challenge 4.17.19 - Tena Stetler
Okay here we go with 10 unusual things about me. 10. I was a radio DJ for several years – It was fun. Saw lots of great concerts, met lots of my favorite Rock and Roll stars and bands. But I have to tell you there are a lot of weirdos in that profession. So yes, I fit right in! LOL 9. Do you remember your dreams? I always do and they are in vivid color. Yep, some of my wildest dreams were the basis of my books. 8. I like ice cubes in my chocolate milk. In fact sometimes I freeze it to make fudge bars. Yum! 7. Learned early on to respect the paranormal and never mess with a Ojou board. 6. I can remember sequences of numbers that I’ve seen or heard but my neighbors’ name not so much. 5. I rock out to rock and roll music from the 60’s thru 80’s. But when I write I like quiet. 4. I hate shopping. 3. I know all the dialog and songs word for word of Dirty Dancing. 2. I love raw carrots fresh out of the garden (after their washed of course) But hate cooked carrots. On that note, I love to garden and do pretty well at it. But have never been able to grow broccoli. (Tried 3 years in a row). The plant always grows to nothing but huge leaves. Anyone out there have any idea what I’m doing wrong? 1. I Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler