A Profession From a Book I'd Love to Try - Tena Stetler
Happy Holidays! Welcome to #L&SR’s Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge December 9, 2020, A profession from a book I’d love to try. That I can do! Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice. Take your choice of a Chocolate Chip, Snickerdoodle, or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate. I’ve researched and written fictional books involving a cyber security specialist as a character. That is a profession I’d love to try. I’m pretty computer literate, but finding and destroying worms or developing software to do that would be so intriguing. I also have read fictional stories about these characters and that is my final answer. Well…almost. I’d like to be a powerful witch, a time-traveling Gypsy, a sexy vampire or a werewolf. But since none of those are going to happen, even in 2020 where nothing is as it seems. I’ll stick to the cyber security specialist for now. Still working on the magic. LOL So there you have it a profession from a book I’d love to try. How about you? Tell me about it in the comments. Alas, I must return to my writing cave preparing promo on HIDDEN GYPSY MAGIC, 99¢ sales on A DEMON’S WITCH, and A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING. Stay tuned! Chocolate Raspberry Magic release date been extended until April 2021. And I’ve turned in the sixth book in A Demon’s Witch Series to my editor at The WIld Rose Press. She likes it! Yippee! AND I’m starting a new project Wylder West Assignment. Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler