Author Donna Simonetta Finds A Sweeter Spot! - Tena Stetler
Give a big welcome to Donna Simonetta, author of A Sweeter Spot. Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. There’s hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Thanks for joining us! I have a few questions for you, then we’ll talk a little about your new release, A Sweeter Spot. Tell us a little about you. After years working in the business world, my love of reading led me to get my MLS, and I currently work part-time in a school library, a job that allows me lots of time to explore my other love – writing romance! I live in Maryland, with my husband, who is my real-life romance hero. We both enjoy traveling to visit our far-flung family and friends, and spending time on the beach with an umbrella drink and a good book. How long have you been writing? I always wanted to be a writer. When I was a little girl, I would go to the library and look at the shelves to see where my books would go. But real life got in the way, and I pursued other career options. First in market research, until my love of books drove me to get an MLS and work in a school library. After a health scare in 2008, they told me I had cancer when I didn’t–zoinks, talk about terrifying!–I Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler