Celebration of A Demon's Witch - Ebook SALE 99Cents - Tena Stetler
I’m celebrating the third anniversary of A DEMON’S WITCH publication, September of 2015. Can you believe it? This is the book that started it all – The awarding winning series and my career as a published author. In August the fourth book in the series released, An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement to rave reviews AND come December 2018 the fifth book A Magic Redemption will release. WOW, just Wow! I’m so grateful to all the wonderful people that made it possible, I’m putting A Demon’s Witch on sale over the next few weeks other books will be on sale! A huge THANK YOU to my readers! Soooo… An early treat to get you in the mood for upcoming spooktacular Halloween! A Demon’s Witch e-book is on sale for 99 cents for a limited time! Download your copy today! In the upcoming A Witch’s Journey and others will be on sale too. Did you know that, A Demon’s Witch, was born in a hair salon from a song. What if the hairdresser is really a ruggedly handsome demon overlord? (My hair dresser, Jen, says he’s welcome in her salon anytime!) What if a powerful witch breezed into his salon and the attraction was undeniable? What if the salon is multi-species catering to mortals and paranormal creatures alike is located in Washington DC? Adds a new dimension to our concept of DC, doesn’t it? Psst…Want to know a secret? I am probably dating myself, but my very first celebrity crush, wasn’t on a Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler