Charm Me For Valentine's Day From Author Tena Stetler! - Tena Stetler
Happy Valentine’s Day and welcome to Authors’ Secrets Valentine Special with a fun and flirty Candy Hearts Romance, Charm Me. It’s on SALE for 99 cents! Set in the Colorado Rocky Mountains is a story close to my heart. I penned this story while taking my dog, Mystic, to agility classes. In her class there was a rescue dog owned by a yoga instructor, and Summer Riley was born. The other dimension of the story came about as I took a woman’s gun class to get my concealed carry permit. Thus retired Navy SEAL Devlin was thrust into the story. What better way to bring these two opposites together than Summer feeling the need to protect herself by signing up for a weapons class. Though Summer is a talented Elemental witch, she feels it necessary to defend herself in the mortal way in the mortal world. But wait, Devlin is not exactly as he appears. Then as things heat up, a cross-country ski trip at his cabin in Dividie, Colorado brings in Valentine’s Day magic to the story. Pick up your copy today for only 99¢ until February 16th, 2018. Psssst…. I’ll let you in on a little secret. There is a sequel in the works, so make sure you check back often. A little more about Charm Me. Summer Dawn Riley’s an extraordinary elemental witch whose troubled past haunts her. She’s created a calm life for herself teaching yoga and keeping people at a distance. Her life takes a one Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler