Christmas Decorating - Not for the Faint of Heart! - Tena Stetler
We normally spend the Thanksgiving weekend putting up Christmas decorations inside and out. This year Thanksgiving brought with it rain turning to snow, creating black ice on the roads, sidewalks and any other surface in its path. A peek outside was discouraging and staying on ones feet was a challenge I experienced first-hand taking my dog out for our morning walk. Even my dog’s four paw drive had traction problems on the ice below the few inches of snow. So needless to say, after we finally got back into the house, outside decorating was off the agenda for today as the snow continued to fall. Darn It! We did decorate the dog in an elf hat. So inside we haul up from the basement – box, after box (14 boxes in all) of my favorite decorations. Which includes lighted garland to trim the entertainment center, musical stuffed snowmen for the table tops and centerpiece, lighted carousel, nativity scene and Precious Moments Christmas town. Then out of the garage we drag in a ladder to hang multicolored icicle lights around all the windows. Its time to put up the big tree complete with pinecones and a huge box of tree decorations. I have collected these ornaments for many years and enjoy reminiscing over each one as we hang it on the tree every year. We even have bubble lights along the bottom of the tree, now that Mystic our dog is three years, and old enough to leave the tree alone. Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler