Connie Bretes Author of Blue As Sapphires - Tena Stetler
Give a warm welcome to Connie Bretes, author of Blue As Sapphires released February 16, 2017! Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Connie and Blue As Sapphires. National Statistics. On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. … 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have been victims of [some form of] physical violence by an intimate partner within their lifetime. Boy those are scary stats. Statistics – National Coalition Against Domestic Violence Blue As Sapphires was born from my love of sapphire digging, and gold panning in the beautiful Gem Mountains and Rock Creek River that runs through Philipsburg, Montana. Another issue that I’m passionate about is doing away with domestic abuse. I took the two subjects and combined them into a story that made Marissa determined to survive and overcome her ex-husband’s physical and emotional abuse, and the sheriff, Riley McCade, who is determined to love and protect her. Tell us a little about Blue As Sapphires: Escaping from her abusive ex-husband, Marissa Simpson came back to her hometown to start over. She had no intention of getting involved with another man, or with the community she left behind all those years ago. That is, until Riley McCade showed up. Riley was the Sheriff of Granite County and he commanded a work force Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler