Death Clean - A Warning For Everyone! - Tena Stetler
Boy do I have a tale to tell. Death Clean is a phrase that may not be familiar to you. First the sad part, a loved one passed away the end of January. His journey was a tough one, a few months ago his cancer returned with a vengeance! So at least now he is in a better place, pain-free where he can look down on the love of his life for over 60 years. She won’t miss him as she has Alzheimer’s and it broke his heart when he was living. Cancer may have been the cause of death, but we know he died of a broken heart having to put her in a memory care facility for her own protection and best interests. Alzheimers is an insidious disease. That being said, I want to bring your attention to what may be a jarring phrase to many of you, “death cleaning.” It’s about getting rid of excess rather than leaving the situation for your heirs to sort out. I want to apply this to homes, vehicles, as well as, finances. Searching through mounds of paperwork, clothing, a lifetime of knick-nacks, and treasured keepsakes is not a fun task, especially when you have only a limited time and budget. A lost vehicle title, keys to a safe deposit box, missing deed to a home make the necessary decisions tough at a time when your heart is just not in it. Make it easier on everyone. Death clean your possessions. Throw Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler