Once Bitten - Twice Shy - Biting a Hot Topic! - Tena Stetler
Biting has always been a hot topic among parrot owners, Eclectus parrots included. I have had numerous letters about biting problems. Some owners were so upset that they were considering placing their bird up for adoption, thinking that their bird didn’t like them, or that they were doing something wrong. Biting is a big issue with some parrots! The truth is that any parrot will bite. When someone says they’d like a parrot, I make sure they know the responsibilities of owning a parrot, the food requirements, not just seed. They aren’t a decoration and can bite. If a new parrot owner becomes fearful of handling the bird, it may be relegated to a life of being caged full-time or passed from home to home. It is important to maintain your position as gentle flock leader and to teach your Eclectus to step up. When you must get the bird from inside the cage, assuming that you wisely will not allow it on top of the cage until it is trustworthy again, use a barrier between the beak and your hand or arm. Some people wrap their arm or hand in a towel so that if the bird bites, it does not inflict pain and injury. Others place a stuffed toy between the bird’s beak and their hand, even a glass POT LID will work! It makes a perfect “shield” to keep handy when you bird goes through the nippy stage. The saucepan lid is about five inches across, has Continue Reading →