Eclectus - Not Just A Decoration - Tena Stetler
No, an Eclectus is not a decoration, nor is it meant to be admired from afar. Yes, it’s beauty will take your breath away. But this bundle of feathers isn’t just beautiful, it’s a very intelligent bird. In fact, I was talking to someone the other day who indicated that the Eclectus was the bird that would wear a pocket protector, if birds wore such a thing. I asked him if he was calling my bird a nerd. He laughed and said, “No, no, just an extremely intelligent bird that considers its options before taking action.” Believe it or not, that same action is the reason some people consider the Eclectus a dull and unintelligent bird. Several Eclectus have vocabularies of over two hundred words, and use them in the correct context. They learn tricks, play games, even create their own games, are empathetic and at playtime have a well-earned reputation of being a feathered monkey. The Eclectus is a living breathing creature with lots of needs to be met by its owner. Well – owner is not exactly the right word. You don’t really own an Eclectus, they have a unbelievably independent streak. However, you are its companion and your family is it’s flock. Your Ekkie looks to you for security, food, shelter and most of all companionship. Being an Eclectus companion is not an easy job, nor is it for the faint of heart. On a daily basis, cages need to be wiped down, bottom papers changed and Continue Reading →