Fun Facts-KK Weil Author of Some Whisper Some Shout - Tena Stetler
Happy holidays to all! Give a big welcome to K.K Weil, author of Some Whisper, Some Shout. Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Gingerbreadperson, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Lets find out some fun facts about K.K., and see what Some Whisper, Some Shout is all about. Thanks for joining us! Thanks so much for having me again, Tena. It’s always fun to be on Author’s Secrets. I’ve chosen to do your speed round today, but before we start here are a couple of silly things about me… I always eat my pizza crust first, my happy place is the beach but I don’t really like the texture of sand and if I drink caffeinated coffee instead of decaf, I won’t be able to stop talking for about an hour straight. Speed Round (one word only answer): Yep, I know torture for a writer! Favorite movie: The Princess Bride Favorite book: Atlas Shrugged Last book read: The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas – It’s YA and amazing Favorite color: Depends on my mood – usually something dark and earthy Stilettos or flipflops: Stilettos Coffee or tea: Coffee Ebook or audiobook or paperback: Ebook Pencil or pen: Pencil Favorite song: Knights in White Satin Streak or not: Not Favorite dessert: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups Favorite junk food: Sour cream and Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler