Happy Holidays! Author Lori Sizemore With Infamous! - Tena Stetler
Happy holidays to all! Give a big welcome to Lori Sizemore, author of Infamous. So get settled in, grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot coco, hot cider and coffee choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick a Snicker-doodle and gingerbread cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Lets see what Infamous is all about. Thanks for joining us! Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Lori and Infamous. Lori Sizemore grew up in the mountains of West Virginia and never quite managed to escape them. Lori lives at home with her husband of twenty-plus years and two of her three daughters. She also lives with two dogs, a cat, and five hermit crabs. Yes, five of them. This menagerie and her family keep her busy. She worked in mental health as a social worker for ten years before making the choice to write full-time. What defines you as an author? As a person? Are they one in the same? Perseverance. It’s all tied up together. I came from a dark place when I was no longer able to work again due to illness. I’d been writing for years, but suddenly the words weren’t coming, I couldn’t work outside the home. I felt useless and hopeless. Then a beautiful thing happened: I realized that while my illness limits me physically, it couldn’t take away my writing. So, Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler