Identity Theft - Has Your Confidential Information Been Swiped? - Tena Stetler
Did you know nearly fifteen million consumers in the U.S. were victims of identity theft according to an 2018 online survey by The Harris Poll? Those are scary statistics, don’t you think? First what is identity theft? Most of us know,but for grins and giggles here is the definition. When someone takes another person’s personal identifying information, ie. name, identifying number, or credit card number, and uses it without permission, to commit fraud or other crimes So what can you do to safe guard your personal and confidential information? Services are available to help you discover if any of your information has found its way to the dark web or into the hands of unscrupulous individuals. Shred any documents with your name, address, partial social security or birth date. Again there are companies that will provide that service at a cost. A home shredder is also a good idea. There are various types, so do your home work. Obviously, the smaller cut the better. Important confidential papers should be kept in a fireproof safe or safe deposit box. According to experts, early detection is imperative to fight identity theft. Keep these seven warning signs in mind: Dumped garbage cans: Maybe be a raccoon going through the garbage, but, dumpster divers also steal personal information this way. Never put anything that contains your name, address and other confidential data into the garbage. Documents should be securely shredded when no longer needed. Small ‘test’ charges on your credit card: Credit card fraud is the most common form of identity theft, according Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler