Interview Ashley Pagano Author of Never Fear the Reaper - Tena Stetler
Give a warm welcome to Ashley Pagano, author of Never Fear the Reaper! Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out about Ashley Pagano and Never Fear the Reaper. Interview with the Paranormal Huntress “Ryder” from the Never Fear the Reaper Series: Hello there, welcome, and thank you for the interview. Ahem . . . I have to admit I’m a bit apprehensive about this interview. (She mumbles a few snooty comments about the poor soul who tracked her down and signed her up for this). You shouldn’t be nervous. If anything, it’s me who should be nervous. (Awkward laugh followed by my gaze creeping downward to her metal case holding her deadly Scythe that she’s purposely placed within arms length of our chairs). Promise you won’t slash me? (Amused, she raises an eyebrow) I can’t be sure until I’ve heard the questions. Fair enough. I’ll just fire away, then. (Nervously fiddle with the crinkled up paper filled with scratchy interview questions). So what can you tell us about yourself that may surprise us? Well if you’ve read the books, you already know about my strange quirks and abilities. (She leans forward, intentionally invading my personal space). Moving on. I think it’s safe to say you show some pretty strong favoritism towards Chase. What’s that all about? (Discretely push my chair backward). I’m very fond of Chase. He’s my boyfriend so Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler