Interview with C.E. Clayton About The Monster Of Selkirk - Tena Stetler
Happy holidays to all! Give a big welcome to C.E. Clayton, author of The Monster of Selkirk, Book One of The Duality of Nature. Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Lets find out a little about C.E. Clayton and The Monster of Selkirk. Thanks for joining us! C.E., did you tell friends and family that you were writing a book? Or did it take a while to come out and tell friends and family you were a writer? It actually took me awhile to tell people that I had written a book, I didn’t even tell them I was writing it until it was pretty much done. I felt embarrassed, believe it or not, that I was an adult writing young adult fantasy. I thought those in my professional life would laugh at me, and judge me harshly for it. I realize now that was just all in my head, because when I did tell my friends and family, their reactions varied from “It’s about time!” to “Oh my God! That’s so cool! How did you write A WHOLE BOOK?! I could barely write my college term papers!” Now, I don’t hesitate when I tell people I write books. Do you see yourself in your characters? I absolutely do! I put so much of myself Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler