Interview Natasha Brown Author of Half-Blood Descendant - Tena Stetler
Give a warm welcome to USA TODAY’s bestselling author Natasha Brown. She blends urban fantasy, paranormal romance and supernatural suspense in the Half-Bloods, an adventure for lovers of shifters, vampires… and more. Her new release Half-Blood Descendant, is book one in Half-Blood – A Paranormal Series. Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter Cookie from the plate, and lets find out a little about Natasha and Half-Blood Descendant. What inspired you to write? You know that feeling when you read a great book and you can’t put it down? You stay up way too late reading, your heart races as you’re sucked into the world between the pages, and you think about the characters when you should be doing other things? It was that excitement that led me to want to create the same experience for others. I wanted to build my own worlds and characters. And it was during a stressful time in my life following one of my daughter’s open-heart surgeries when I needed an escape. So, I poured myself into writing my very first novel, and it proved to be just what I needed. How long have you been writing? I’ve been writing novels for the last six years, although in my youth, I spent lots of time writing prose. Do you see yourself in your characters? I don’t often write characters modeled after myself. If I do, I’m not aware of it at least. They Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler