My Review of A Shot at Love by Peggy Jaeger - Tena Stetler
Tomorrow, October 3, 2017, is release day for Peggy Jaeger’s A Shot at Love. I had the great pleasure of being offered an advanced copy of this book. I truly enjoyed reading the Spooktacular whodunit! LOL. After all it’s October. Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cauldron, a Bat Wing Chocolate Chip, Pumpkin or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out about A Shot at Love. Here’s my take on A Shot at Love. Gemma Laine is a world famous photo journalist. When a Mob hit goes down right in front of Gemma, she captures it all with her digital camera. Now the FBI take her camera and SD card as part of their investigation, raising her ire as those are not the only photos on that SD card and that camera is her baby. The police and FBI are not the only ones seeking those pictures. After an attempt on Gemma life, Special Agent Kyros Pappandreos insists on taking Gemma into protective custody. In the mob hit, two of his men and a crucial witness were killed. He’s not taking any chances with her. What neither Ky or Gemma anticipate is the heat that sizzles between them as Ky tries to keep Gemma out of the mob’s hands. The storyline keeps you enthralled with the perfect balance of romance and suspense. It’s no surprise that Peggy’s characters grab hold of you and don’t let go until you’ve turned the last Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler