Oh Hail! - Tena Stetler
Unexplained occurrences was to be my next topic. Little did I know it would be over my neighborhood. Baseball size hail can cause unbelievable chaos not to mention the damage. Whew! As some of my FB friends know, the area of Colorado I live in experienced orange and baseball sized hail July 28, 2016 at 10:30 at night. Can you believe it? I always thought the clash between the moist warm air and colder air was the cause of hail. After the night of July 28th I stand corrected! In the cool of the evening ominous thunderclouds still hung over the mountains, but they’d been there all day. Bolts of lightning streaked around inside them, then suddenly as we prepared for bed, a roar then, bang, crash, sounds like someone was beating our house, and vehicles with a giant baseball bat began. Rushed to the window to see my garden decimated, tomato plants flush with fruit smashed and mushed tomatoes strewn on the ground, pumpkin vines obliterated, kale stripped, you get the picture. The carrots were safe. The beautiful fairy like glass yard lights shattered and tree limbs, leaves several inches thick covered the grass. Huge ice balls lay melting on the ground. That cracking sound I’d heard earlier, yeah it was the brand new windshield we had installed a couple of weeks prior. Dents in the truck hood, side panel and roof made the metal ripple. At midnight, our neighbors and us stood dumbfounded at the storm’s aftermath damage, Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler