Peggy Jaeger Talks Food & Passion's Pallette - Tena Stetler
Give a warm welcome to Peggy Jaeger, author of Passion’s Palette, fifth book in the MacQuire Women series released today August 4th 2017! Happy release day Peggy! Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a homemade Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate and let’s find out a little about Peggy Jaeger and Passion’s Pallett. Peggy, I’ve read a few of your books. I love the large noisy families and cooking that seem to be a common theme in most the books I’ve read. Do you like to cook? Food and family play such major roles in my writing. It doesn’t take endless hours on an analyst’s couch to figure out where those two themes hail from. I am the only child of divorced parents and as a child I was a latchkey kid, a term I don’t think is used any more. It meant I was all alone, on my own, every day after school. My parents worked and my mom couldn’t afford a babysitter after I turned 8. My mother and stepfather didn’t usually arrive home until after 7 each night, so I had to fend for myself if I got hungry. Back then, putting together a seven course meal wasn’t going to happen, so I learned how to open a box of macaroni and cheese and not burn the pot when I made it! A few years down the road I’d elevated to making spaghetti and hand rolled meatballs. In my Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler