Technology – What It Can Do For You & To You! - Tena Stetler
What will 5G, the next generation of wireless technology mean to you? First lets figure out how exactly 5G technology will be used. It won’t replace todays 4G networks, but will supplement them. Bandwidth, capacity and mobile broadband will be radically improved much more than previous generational shifts. Now how are they going to do that you ask. Well… in part by packing thousands of small antennae onto cell towers, utility poles and buildings. Mobile speeds will be pushed from 100 Mbps to upward of 10 Gbps. WOW! That’s a thousand-fold increase, making next-generation wireless competitive with the fastest fiber-optic wired networks. Looking forward to the next several years, billions more things will go online. Using 5G networks to send and receive huge amounts of new data at lightning speed. That information will go from personal to global, connecting you, your home and community. Think connecting smart clothing, prosthetic devices and perhaps ingestible health monitors. Okay, now that is weird. Science fiction meets reality with fully integrated living spaces (smart homes) that adjust to the needs of all family members. 5G will optimize home security, power and water usage, and personalize entertainment. Also 5G networks will help seniors at home by monitoring their meds, connecting them to telehealth services and tracking everything from sleep to insulin levels. Exciting huh? Switching gears from technology to social media, let’s take a quick peek at what TWITTER is chirping about. Twitter hopes to attract a bigger, broader audience with one of its most Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler