This Is My Theme Song–Sing It Loud & Proud! Believe it! - Tena Stetler
Good morning everyone. I’ve been following 52 Week Blog Challenge, sometimes I post, sometimes I don’t. It’s the renegade in me, I can’t help it. Today I noticed a topic – Do I have a theme song? Giving that thought, I decided if I do, it would be Rachel Platten – Fight Song. Yep, that’s me sending big waves into motion with more than a single word. Explosions, well not always on purpose, but yeah I’ll own that too! Take back my life. It gets away from me more than I’d like to admit. Writing deadlines, family obligations, social engagement demands, and I hate to admit it I cringe at leaving my writing cave at times. It’s safe there and I don’t have to live in reality. Reality is completely over rated in my book! Which explains why I write Paranormal Romance/Suspense. The peace and quiet of my sun room, in the company of my parrot and dog, the birds chirping outside allows me to center and take back my life on my terms. The support of my own real life hero and best friend of many, many moons, my hubby, keeps me striving to meet my goals. Air whooshes out of me in a rush when I look at my to-do-list for the next six months. Yep that’s why I’m writing this instead of my books. Procrastination at it’s best. The list several pages long flutters to the floor and for a moment I consider leaving it there. Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler