Welcome Chrys Fey & Tsunami Crimes - Tena Stetler
Give a big welcome to Chrys Fey, author of Tsunami Crimes third in the Disaster Crimes Series. Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick a Snicker-doodle and Gingerbread cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Thanks for joining us Chrys! Oh, before I forget, at the bottom of this post is a rafflecopter give away. Don’t forget to enter. Before we get to Tsunami Crimes, I’ve got a question for you. “Ok, shoot.” Who is your favorite character of all of the books you’ve written and why? My favorite character is one who isn’t really known by my readers. Avrianna Heavenborn is a character in my short story, Ghost of Death. The readers who left reviews all said they were fascinated by her and wanted to know more about her history, and how she can do the things she can do. A few said they hoped I would write a book for her. Well, I did. I wrote her book before I even wrote Ghost of Death. As a matter of fact, I wrote a series of four books for her. She is by far my most unique character. I can’t really say too much about her, because I am still shopping around her first book, but she has supernatural abilities. Her eyes turn neon green, and green flames can burst from her hands. She can also see and talk to ghosts. For Continue Reading →
Tena Stetler