Interview Jennifer Wilck, Author of Five Minutes to Love

Give a warm welcome to Jennifer Wilck, author of FIve Minutes to Love, released on March 21, 2017.

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Jennifer, and Five Minutes to Love.  I Jennifer see you’ve brought guests.

I have indeed.  Jacob Black and Aviva Shulman from Five Minutes to Love.

Jennifer tell us a little about writing this story.

Tell us a little about writing this story.  Was it fun or difficult?  Do your characters always act as you expect? Are you a plotter, or fly (write) by the seat of your pants? This story was a lot of fun to write, especially the research I did into speed dating. Since I met my husband in college, I never went through anything like this. I talked to people who told me funny/horrible stories that happened to them at these types of events and was able to use some of them in the book. I also happened to be eating in a restaurant where an event was taking place and I spied on it with my daughter. I’m a pantser, so once I had the info about speed dating, the rest fell into place and the characters spoke to me.

A little more about Five Minutes to Love:

Aviva Shulman has had enough of the dating scene. Her father valued his high-powered career over his wife and family. She wants something more, someone who values her. But her roommates are determined to find her the perfect match.

Jacob Black doesn’t have time for relationships. A third-year law student, he’s focused on studying and getting a high-paying job with a top-notch law firm. But his overbearing mother wants him to find someone and settle down.

Their paths cross at a speed dating event and sparks fly. But is five minutes long enough to determine a future together?

Well then, Jacob, tell us about the real you—

I’m a twenty-five year old law student from New Jersey, studying environmental law. I have a roommate, Adam, who takes me with him on a speed dating event. I have a meddling mom who wants me to be a successful lawyer, but also wants me to meet a nice Jewish girl. I handle life pretty well as long as I can prioritize my to-do list.

What event in your past has left the most indelible impression on you? My dad died when I was a kid and my mom raised me, sacrificing a lot to put me through college and law school. My goal is to pass the Bar exam, work for the large New York City firm where I’ve interned, pay back my law school loans as soon as possible so I can support my mom as she’s supported me.

What do you most value? Honesty—yeah, that one is a little ironic, but really, it’s important to me—integrity and keeping our planet clean.

What is the type of woman you want to spend the rest of your life with? That’s easy—Aviva! She’s smart and has a wicked sense of humor. You should see the texts she sent me about bowling. She can handle herself in almost any situation, even when meeting my mother for the first time, and believe me, that takes talent. She’s beautiful, but not just on the outside. She has this inner glow that radiates from her, which is just incredible to see. And she’s one of the kindest people I know. She’s perfect.

What do you consider most important in life? Taking care of the people I love. Success will come if you work hard, but if you don’t take care of the people you love, all the success in the world won’t make you happy. I learned that the hard way.

What is your biggest secret? Well, at this point, I’d have to say lying to my mom about Aviva. You see, my mom wanted to set me up with some random woman she knew, and I wanted nothing to do with it. I was busy with my law studies and the last thing I wanted was a setup by my mom. I’d just met Aviva at that ridiculous speed dating event, but didn’t have much time to get to know her. When my mom started talking about setting me up, I told her I’d already met someone. Except, since I didn’t know much about Aviva, I made a bunch of stuff up. I didn’t think it was a big deal because I didn’t expect to meet her again. Certainly not have her meet my mom. But of course, whenever you lie, it comes back to haunt you. And boy did it ever! Luckily I was eventually able to smooth things over with both my mom and Aviva, but it wasn’t easy.

Okay, now its Aviva’s turn in the hot seat. Who are you really?

I’m a twenty-four year old public relations professional. I work in Jersey City and live in Hoboken with my two roommates, who are constantly trying to set me up with high-powered executives, all of whom I can’t stand. I’d much rather date a starving artist who has time to spend with me than someone who has money to shower me with gifts but no time to spend with me.

Who were the biggest role models in your life? I don’t know about role models, but my mom is my biggest cheerleader and I tell her everything. My dad is very successful at what he does and from a professional standpoint, I admire him.

What kind of man do you want to spend the rest of your life with?  I want someone who wants to make time for me. Who prioritizes me. Someone like Jacob, although I don’t see how it can work with his law career. But he keeps telling me I’m a priority, so I have to trust in what he says and believe that he’s nothing like my dad.

(or if you don’t want romance – Why not?)

What kind of man would you never choose? I’d never choose someone whose goal is to climb the corporate ladder. The men my roommates set me up with are all like that and I can’t stand it.

What is most important to you in life? Balance, between life and work, and work and love.

What is your biggest fear? Keeping Jacob from pursuing his dreams.

A sneak peek between the pages of Five Minutes to Love!

Aviva grabbed her ball, patted his arm, and aimed at the pins. Strike. She didn’t move. Jacob couldn’t figure out why she stood still, until her shoulders began to shake.

She was laughing. At him.

She turned around. Tears ran down her face. She inhaled. “I’m sorry. I swear I have no idea how it happened.”

“Sure you don’t.” As his grin widened, he bit the insides of his cheeks, folded his arms and did his best to look sad. “What a way to get a guy when he’s down.”

“You’re not down. You just challenged the bowling gods. They don’t like human challengers.”

“Bowling gods?”

“Of course. How else do you think we recreational bowlers manage it?” She stepped toward him. Her green eyes were wide with fake innocence.

“Bowling gods.”

“Exactly. You challenged them.” At this point, they were toe-to-toe. Her floral scent wafted around him. He refocused on her words.

“As you like to say, Aviva, technically, I challenged you.”

“Yes, but with bowling skill, so you actually challenged them too.”

She looked supremely satisfied with her circuitous bowling logic. Jacob had an urge to kiss her. Her lips were full and pink and tantalizingly close.

Buy link to Five Minutes to Love: 

Amazon, Barnes & Barnes and Noble,  and The Wild Rose Press

Speed Round (one word only answer): Yep, I know torture for a writer!<evil laugh>

Favorite movie: Dirty Dancing
Favorite book: Jane Eyre
Last book read: Axel
Favorite color: Blue
Stilettos or flipflops: Stilettos
Coffee or tea: Coffee
Ebook or audiobook or paperback: ebook
Pencil or pen: pen

Favorite song:  Honesty

Streak or not: Not

Favorite dessert: chocolate

Favorite junk food: chocolate

Favorite thing to do to relax: TV

Champagne or gin: gin

Paranormal or Historical: historical

Wonder Woman or Top Model: Wonder Woman

Favorite TV show: Alienist

Hot or cold: cold

POV: 3rd

I’d die if I don’t have: family

Review or Not: review

About the Author:

Despite being an only child, Jennifer is happy to share anything other than chocolate. She learned her sarcasm from her dad and practices it daily on her children. And she believes laughter can get you through anything.

You can find Jennifer at the following:



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It was wonderful having you with us today.  Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with Five Minutes to Love!

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